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PK Club Show 2012


Prague Ratters Club of Czech Republic would like to invite you to a Club Exhibition with an International attendance that is going to take place on 24. 3. 2012 in Radotínská Sokolovna in Prague 5.

Judge: Iuza Beradze

Show_application_form.doc   Show_application_form.pdf 

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen, we would like to invite you to our Club Dog Show that is going to take place during a nontraditional winter time. The show date has been chosen purposely due to lack of national or international shows during this period of the year.

The venue of the show has been carefully chosen to be representative. Radotínská Sokolovna is a large building with a restaurant on the ground floor and a large hall on the first floor. It is usually used for organizing balls & various venues.
Sokol organisation has been kind enough to allow us to rent their facilities.

Radotín is a part of Prague 5 district. Radotínská Sokolovna building is located in a garden suburbs of this quarter. It is 5min. walk from a Railway Station & 10min. walk from a bus stop.


8:00  –   9:30  Dog registration.

9:30  –   10:00  Dog Show Start.

10:00 - 10:15  Young Dog Exhibitor competition.

10:15 - 10:30  Announcement of new Club Champions.

10:30 - 14:30  Dog Show.

14:30 - 15:30  Break.

15:30 - 16:00 Competitions.

16:00 - 16:30 Announcement of the results & awards handover.



4 – 6 months - Baby Category

6 – 9 months - Junior Category

9 – 18 months - Youth Category

15 – 24 months - Mid Category

Od 15 months - Open Category

15 months & above Category of Winners – for champions, national or club winners. Dog owner needs to present a diploma.

8 years & above – Category of Veterans

Honorary Category – for champions & grand champions.

Deciding factor for the category placement is a date of birth at the day of the exhibition.


The most beautiful dog couple – male & female dog belonging to the same exhibitor. Both dogs should be presented at the show.

The best breeding group – At least 3 dogs originated from 2 fathers or 2 mothers. These dogs don't have to belong to the same exhibitor but must be presented at the show.

Best young breeder – For children 3 - 18 years old. Dog has to be presented at the show.

Best adult breeder - for breeders 18 years & above. Dog has to be presented at the show.

Titles & awards:  CAJC, CAC, res,. CAC, BOB (Best of Breed) , BOS ( Best of Opposite Sex) ,  BOJ (Best of Juniors), BOJOS (Best of Juniors of Opposite Sex) Best Puppy, Best Junior, Best Dog black & tan, Best Dog other colours, Best Bitch black & tan, Best Bitch other colours, BOV (Best of Veterans),  Best Dog Couple, Best Breeding Group, Best Young Breeder, Best Adult Breeder.



Exhibition Fees:                           1st Closing Date 15. 2. 2012     2nd Closing Date 28. 2. 2012

First Dog                                                       500 CZK / 26 €                        600 CZK / 30 €

Second & every other dog                          400 CZK / 22 €                       500 CZK / 26 €

Puppies, juniors & veterans                       300 CZK / 14 €                       400 CZK / 22 €

Honorary & Handicaped                             300 CZK / 14 €                       400 CZK / 22 €

Outside Competition                                    200 CZK / 10 €                       300 CZK / 14 

Competitions                                                 200 CZK / 10                        300 CZK / 14 

Application forms will not be confirmed, please send a confirmation of a payment & a copy of Pedigree Papers (Prukaz Puvodu) to the following address: 

Kateřina Beranová, Ujkovice 31, 294 04 Dolní Boušov, Czech Republic

or E-mail:

English speaking inquires please Email:


When you post the application form please remember to enclose a copy of a payment confirmation. Bank wire:

Bank name: Ceska Sporitelna

Account name: Klub Pratel psu prazskych krysariku

Account number: 0076547379

Bank Code: 0800

IBAN: CZ22 0800 0000 0000 7654 7379


Bank address: Tererova 1350/7
                          Praha 4 - Chodov
                          149 00
                          Czech Republic

All bank fees should be covered by the payer.

Terms & Conditions:

The Club Show conforms International FCA dog show rules, show rules of CMKU & laws of Czech Republic. The show is open for all male & female dogs recorded in Pedigree Books of FCI. Imported dogs must be recorded in a Pedigree Book of Czech Republic.

The organiser of the show is a member of CMKU. The venue will take place in accordance with Animal Protection Rights of CMKU. Dogs with trimmed ears will not be allowed to participate.

Should the venue fail to take place due to unexpeted reasons the collected fees will be used to cover the cancelation expenses.

Dogs should be kept on leads at all times.

Dog owners are responsible for damages & removal of excrements caused by their dogs.

Following dogs are excluded from the show: Dogs who underwent surgury for reasons to eliminate their defects, female dogs in a high state of pregnancy & puppies younger than 3 months.

Sales of puppies is not allowed during the show.

By signing the Application Form  the exhibitors agree to follow show rules, rules stated on this website & instructions of the Show Committee.

By signing the Application Form  the exhibitor also agrees to making his / her address public in a catalogue.

The organiser reserves the right to refuse or return not fully or illegibly filled Application Forms. Application Forms sent after the closing date will not be accepted & their fees will be returned.

Veterinary rules:

Dogs must be clinicaly healthy & free of parasites. During the dog registration exhibitors will be asked to present a valid PET Passport with a stamp confirming dog's vaccination against rabies & infection ilnesses. Vaccination against rabies must be up to date - not younger than 30 days & older than one year.  Dogs no longer need to be clinicaly examided by a veterinarian to prove their health.


Complaints against judge's decision will no be accepted. Complaints will only be allowed on bases of formal reasons such as breach of Show Rules. Complaints can only be submited during the Show and in written form together with a warranty of 500 CZK. In case of unsuccessful complaint the warranty will be kept for the benefit of the organiser.